Enbrel & Embryo Implantation
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Improving Embryo Implantation with Enbrel
While the success of embryo implantation involves many factors, the immune response of the endometrium likely plays an important role; recurrent implantation failure (RIF) of embryos may be linked to the mother’s immune system.
A recent study looked at the use of a drug called Enbrel (etanercept), which works by stopping the immune system from becoming overly-activated; while Enbrel is commonly used in women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), there is very little information on using this drug in women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). Important safety information about Enbrel can be found here.
Study Background
Using TNFα blocker etanercept (brand name Enbrel)
Limited evidence suggests that TNFα blockers helped women with rheumatoid arthritis or endometriomas, but there is no known evidence using a TNFα blocker in women with recurrent implantation failure (RIF).
January 2015 - August 2019, Ingenes Institute in Mexico City, Mexico
83 women who consented to participate after learning about Enbrel’s potential safety risks
Female Inclusion Criteria:
no history of clinical pregnancy
three or more failed IVF cycles, transferring at least five good quality embryos = the study’s definition of RIF
completion of at least two cycles on clinic’s standard treatment protocol for embryo implantation failure (protocol = aspirin, low molecular weight heparin, and/or prednisone 20 mg)
Female Exclusion Criteria
involvement of male factor infertility
immunocompromised at baseline with lupus, active RA, or anti-phospholipid syndrome
confirmed diabetes
endometrial alterations or Mullerian malformations
undergoing treatment that could otherwise impact TNFα
Controlled ovarian stimulation, oocyte retrieval
Oocyte insemination via intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
Pre-implantation Genetic Testing (PGT) was permitted
Physician, with patient consent, decided fresh vs. frozen cycle and # of embryos to transfer
Fresh embryos = Day 5 blastocyst transfer
Frozen embryos = Day 3 cleavage-stage or Day 5 blastocyst transfer after controlled endometrial development minus gonadotropins; took progesterone for luteal phase support
Enbrel dosing: 25 mg injection every 72 hours for four doses
Fresh transfer - started on day of oocyte retrieval
Frozen transfer - started on day coordinated with first day of embryo development, example below
Day 1 = first Enbrel dose
Day 3 = transfer of embryos that were previously frozen on day 3 of development
Day 4 = second Enbrel dose
Implantation confirmed on Day 14 via β-hCG levels
Fetal heartbeat confirmed 6-8 weeks
Study Results
83/360 (23%) qualified patients agreed to participate in the study
Most patients declined due to doubts about using Enbrel or due to costs (financial or emotional) of trying another IVF cycle
Two women excluded due to concomitant immunosuppression
Two patients stopped following up with the clinic
Patient characteristics
Median age = 37.9 +/- 5.1 years
Median # previous IVF cycle failures: 4
21.7% embryos genetically tested
Advanced Age 54.3%; Recurrent Pregnancy Loss 10.8%, Endometriosis 13.3%, Low Ovarian Reserve 7.2%, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 1.2%
Safety - no side effects reported
75.9% successful implantation (+ β-hCG levels)
higher implantation using donor ova (78.9%) vs. own ova (69.2%) (p=0.337)
74.7% detectable fetal heartbeats
62.3% live birth (or still actively pregnant)
average gestation = 34.9 weeks
60.5% babies had low birth weight, none were considered large
no birth defects
no outcome differences based on fresh (n = 45) vs. frozen transfer (n= 34)
Study Authors’ Thoughts
(+) Use of and dosing of Enbrel established in limited previous studies in RIF, will explore dose adjustments in future studies, giving Enbrel cautiously in context of COVID-19
(-) small sample size, lack of control group, no data on potential confounders (age, BMI, insulin resistance)
This Pharmacist’s Thoughts
(+) Enbrel risk assessments explained, reasonable inclusion/exclusion criteria
(-) ICSI outcomes only, frozen embryos either Day 3 or Day 5, missing post-transfer outcomes on four women, inconsistent PGT testing of embryos
With promising results and no safety issues noted, the use of Enbrel in RIF should be further characterized to optimize discretionary use in women who are most likely to benefit.
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Enbrel (etanercept) [package insert]. Thousand Oaks, CA: Amgen; 2020.
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Santiago KY, Porchia LM, López-Bayghen E. Endometrial preparation with etanercept increased embryo implantation and live birth rates in women suffering from recurrent implantation failure during IVF [published online ahead of print, 2021 Jan 18]. Reprod Biol. 2021;21(1):100480. doi:10.1016/j.repbio.2021.100480
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